Análisis de las marcas publicitarias como identificadores de distopía: presencia de marca en Black Mirror

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Daniel Guerrero Navarro
Francisco Javier Cristófol Rodríguez
Aida Del Rosal Medina


This research focuses on the presence of product placement and its relevance for the narrative discourse through a content analysis of the presence of brand placement in the 23 episodes of the five broadcast seasons of the Netflix series Black Mirror, with a total footage of nearly 1,400 minutes of review. The study shows that there are 773 brand appearances (real and fictional), with 40 minutes and 45 seconds of presence. The study affirms that the brands placed by the production requirements also offer a relevant narrative value for the transmission of dystopian realism desired by the authors, optimising creativity in the relationship between the narrative, the product shown and the passive or active viewer, but all this, always within the limits of current audiovisual regulation and bringing the trends that technology and advertising can offer in the short term to television series and brands to create personalised programmatic advertising actions.


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How to Cite
Guerrero Navarro, D., Cristófol Rodríguez, F. J., & Del Rosal Medina, A. (2023). Análisis de las marcas publicitarias como identificadores de distopía: presencia de marca en Black Mirror. SERIARTE. Revista científica De Series Televisivas Y Arte Audiovisual, 4, 113–135.


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