GUILTY OR NOT? MELODRAMA, VIOLENCE AND SENTIMENTAL EDUCATION IN LUIS MIGUEL: LA SERIE Melodrama, violencia y educación sentimental en Luis Miguel: la serie

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Carolina Spataro
Malvina Leonor Silba
Libertad Borda


The purpose of this article is to analyze Luis Miguel: the series as an exponent of a booming genre in the current audiovisual panorama and to study how this bioseries manages to articulate a current phenomenon in the field of entertainment (the nostalgia market) with long-standing elements in popular culture, such as melodrama. Over the course of three seasons, the series seeks to respond to industry needs, satisfy audience expectations, include the issue of gender violence and activate the collective memory through its love songs.

In the first section we address the characteristics of this product as an example of the bioseries genre and its interweaving in the long path of the melodramatic matrix. In the second section, we analyze the centrality that violence acquires as an explanatory framework of the singer's life, in an epochal climate marked in recent years by the massification of feminism in the region. In the third section, we focus on the personal and professional conflicts that the singer goes through and the self-referential turn of the series, which ends up telling the story of how the product was conceived.


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How to Cite
Spataro, C., Leonor Silba, M., & Borda, L. (2023). GUILTY OR NOT? MELODRAMA, VIOLENCE AND SENTIMENTAL EDUCATION IN LUIS MIGUEL: LA SERIE: Melodrama, violencia y educación sentimental en Luis Miguel: la serie. SERIARTE. Revista científica De Series Televisivas Y Arte Audiovisual, 4, 87–112.


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