Power transitions in the Elden Ring Middle Lands Region

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Hugo Alberto Guadarrama Sánchez


Videogames as interactive content, in addition to being digital products to entertain enthusiasts, present a story that provides a context with which gamers can connect, depending on the degree of interpretation of each person, each videogame may have different analysis perspectives. The objective of this text is to identify the ideological interests of the main dominant factions that caused an imbalance in the rupture of order, in the Elden Ring video game. Having as a theoretical framework some elements about the State and power, with the purpose of interpreting from an academic position the different narratives published on the YouTube platform, as well as other websites specialized in the history of Elden Ring. Which leads to consider that the network of social relationships between the different main characters as agents of change is due to the connections that are generated as a result of common interests.


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How to Cite
Guadarrama Sánchez, H. A. (2024). Power transitions in the Elden Ring Middle Lands Region. SERIARTE. Revista científica De Series Televisivas Y Arte Audiovisual, 5, 130–146. https://doi.org/10.21071/seriarte.v5i.16082


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