El tratamiento narrativo de la magia en The Witcher. Sincronicidad y acausalidad en un universo de ficción junguiano

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Raúl Álvarez Gómez


This article proposes a narrative analysis of the representation of magic and the magical in the series The Witcher(2019-), produced by Netflix and based on the literary saga of Geralt of Rivia created by the Polish writer Andrzej Sapkowski. The starting hypothesis is that in this production the narrative time of magic fits the three categories of the Jungian concept of synchronicity, the same that Sapkowski seems to handle in his stories and novels to recreate magical events. According to Jung, a synchronicity is a type of significant coincidence between a psychic event (a dream, a thought, a desire) and another of a physical nature (an encounter, an earthquake, a death) without any causal relationship between the two. There is neither chance nor premeditation. Two events occur in a space-time that can be immediate. Both in the books and in the series, the events concerning magic are produced by that same kind of acausal connection, which, however, is linked to beliefs and traditions related to certain mythologies and folklore.


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Álvarez Gómez, R. (2024). El tratamiento narrativo de la magia en The Witcher. Sincronicidad y acausalidad en un universo de ficción junguiano. SERIARTE. Revista científica De Series Televisivas Y Arte Audiovisual, 5, 88–106. https://doi.org/10.21071/seriarte.v5i.16420


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