New forms of cultural management for the inclusion of rurality in the cinematographic process

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Ana Esther Santamaría Fernández


We will examine a series of initiatives that demonstrate models of cultural management that promote filmmaking in the rural environment. The selection offered is not exhaustive -given the enormous development that these initiatives have undergone in recent years in Spain-, but rather takes significant examples that deal with each of the main phases of film production. A qualitative methodology is used to analyze each of the cases-all pioneers in their modality, from different sources: data collection from the web pages of each project, audiovisual material, interviews and direct observation. It focuses, above all, on three issues: the means of financing, the involvement of the social substratum and the professionalization of management in the field of culture. The conclusions gravitate on these three elements to transfer to the academic field in which this text is inserted the need for constant adaptation that the management of a sector in crisis such as cinema implies, when it is also done from the rural fringe.


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How to Cite
Santamaría Fernández, A. E. (2024). New forms of cultural management for the inclusion of rurality in the cinematographic process. SERIARTE. Revista científica De Series Televisivas Y Arte Audiovisual, 6, 118–135.


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