Redemption and catharsis in rural nature: the return to countryside in La tierra y la sombra (César Acevedo, 2015) y Lo que arde (Oliver Laxe, 2019)

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Andrés Felipe Linares


Lo que arde (Oliver Laxe, 2019) and La tierra y la sombra (César Acevedo, 2015) combine a reflection on the rural cosmos as a territory to return in search of redemption and catharsis. Rural nature is erected in the works as a sovereign space to which the protagonists submit themselves peacefully or from which they try to survive its mysterious force. Using some of the postulates of filmmaker Andrei Tarkovski, an author who always attached particular importance to the bond with the land and its roots, the aim is to analyze, in addition to their diegetic, extradiegetic and metaphoric correspondences, the way in which the aesthetics of these two films allow a transcendence of the strong symbolism of their images, freeing them from any imposed meaning. The purpose is then to reflect on how the rural imaginary acquires an aesthetic whose result resembles a poetic experience where destruction would be synonymous with liberation.


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How to Cite
Linares, A. F. (2024). Redemption and catharsis in rural nature: the return to countryside in La tierra y la sombra (César Acevedo, 2015) y Lo que arde (Oliver Laxe, 2019). SERIARTE. Revista científica De Series Televisivas Y Arte Audiovisual, 6, 67–84.


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