Approach and Journal scope

UcoArte is an annual journal that focuses on disseminating knowledge of Art History through original and unpublished works, which are the result of scientific research, consequently papers will be published at the beginning of December. It is open to researchers from the international scientific community who deal with subjects related to the History of Art, both Spanish and international. Each issue published during the first fortnight of December is aimed at the university community, researchers, experts and art professionals, as well as anyone interested in the journal's own subject matter.

A peer review process

The works presented will be subject to an initial selection by the Editorial Team. The approved articles will be sent to two specialists in the field for external opinion. The evaluation method used will be "double blind", maintaining the total anonymity of both the author and the evaluators.
The reviewers will consider if the text is a scientific study, well documented and argued, on a topic related to the Theory and History of Art and that it represents a novel contribution to it. They will have 15 days to review the text.
After receiving the experts' decision, the Editorial Team will decide whether or not to publish it, informing the authors of the editorial decisions taken.

The opinions and facts contained in the articles published in the journal are the exclusive responsibility of their authors. The Editorial team is not responsible, in any case, for the credibility and authenticity of the works. The published originals are property of UcoArte magazine, so it is necessary to mention the origin when any work is totally or partially reproduced.

Plagiarism detection

The journal will be diligent when any kind of plagiarism is detected. Papers published in other journals, pending acceptance or as a result of misappropriation, will not be accepted. If any such conflict exists, the journal will, in any case, ask the author(s) for possible clarifications, proofs and explanations in order to solve the problem and take a final decision.

UcoArte has the Turnitin tool, a plagiarism prevention service capable of identifying and comparing contents produced by different institutions and accessible in Internet repositories.

UcoArte's copyright statement

Copyright is the law that gives a creator/owner of a work the right to decide how others may use it. Copyright licences detail the rights of publication, distribution and use of research. On this basis, UcoArte. Revista de Teoría e Historia del arte requests that authors consent to their paper being made open access and online by accepting the Terms and Conditions involved in transferring their work to the platform in order to meet the requirements of the publication and thus ensure the widest possible dissemination of their work. By transferring rights to the online website, the author does not retain unrestricted copyrights and publishing rights.

In essence, authors hold copyright but share publishing rights.

Interoperability protocol

All the published works of UcoArte are under interoperability protocols in order to allow most of its contents to be easily collected in other distribution systems, digital repositories and harvesters. In this way, the journal incorporates the OAI-PMH (Open Archive Initiative-Protocol for Metadata Harvesting) interoperability protocol, as this facilitates obtaining different formats for the metadata.

We also encourage the research community to deposit supplementary material, at least the research data behind publications, in institutional or thematic open access repositories federated in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).

Digital preservation policy

All the contents of the digital journal UcoArte. Revista de Teoría e Historia del Arte are hosted in the portal of scientific journals of UCOPress. Editorial Universidad de Córdoba through the following domain: In this way, all the submissions to the journal are on the servers of the Computer Service of the University of Cordoba, with strict access and protected in their corresponding facilities to guarantee their optimal conservation.

Likewise, the journal uses OJS, for this reason, it has tools such as PKP Preservation Network (PN). However, in our case, we use LOCKSS, an open source program that guarantees the creation of a distributed storage system among different libraries and repositories. In this way, we achieve not only the preservation and access to files in the event of possible lost, but also the easy compilation of new published content.

Open Access Policy and Guides for good practices

This journal provides immediate open access to its content because it believes in one essential principle: offering the public free access to research facilitates the global exchange of knowledge.

UcoArte. Revista de Teoría e Historia del Arte appreciates the quality and results of the research published in each issue. For this reason, it takes as a reference the guides of good practices and supervision of scientific research promoted by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). With the objective of promoting an accessible and free culture, the journal will always ensure free access to each of its contents.

All the members of the editorial board are committed to evaluating and managing the original works with the greatest impartiality. All parties involved in the review process will remain in the strictest confidence. When a conflict of interest occurs, that is, when the proposal to be evaluated is related in any way to the evaluator or the editorial board, they must reject the evaluation process of the work submitted.

All papers published by UcoArte will be licensed under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), so both the reading and research community is free to share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium, as well as remix, transform and build upon the material for any purpose. However, anyone using the published article is required to cite attribution for the content they use, always give appropriate credit, provide a link to the licence and indicate if changes have been made. The license can be found at the bottom of the website and in the sections of each article we publish.  In UcoArte we believe that culture should be free and accessible to interested people, for this reason in our website you can download scientific articles at no cost, as well as the research community will not be charged for publishing in the journal. 

Editorial practices on gender equality 

UcoArte. Revista de Teoría e Historia del Arte firmly believes in effective equality between men and women. For this reason, the journal is committed to ensuring such parity, both in the different bodies that make up the editorial team and in the evaluation of the articles it receives. Likewise, we invite authors to use inclusive language in their original works, and we recommend consulting the Guide to good practices of inclusive language for writing and translation (PDF), where you can find different examples and alternatives to achieve a more inclusive communication.

It is also recommended that the research community, where research data including gender has been analysed, report on whether the findings have taken into account possible gender differences.

Licencia de Creative Commons

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
