Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
  • The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
  • The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
  • Authors are kindly requested to carefully review the guidelines for submission of manuscripts. https://journals.uco.es/ucoarte/about/submissions
    Please make sure that you have uploaded the authorship sheet of the article, the fully anonymised draft (including the author's name in the file properties) with the figures and captions inserted in the body of the text, in the corresponding place. In addition, please also upload the images in .jpg or .Tiff format, as well as the anonymised list of figures in word format.

All originals sent to UcoArte. Revista de Teoría e Historia del arte must apply the Hardvard citation style, which is based on the ISO 690 standard.

All papers will be uploaded to the platform anonymised and must apply the Hardvard citation style, based on ISO 690 standards. They must be original and unpublished and not under consideration for publication in another journal. In addition, a Word document must also be uploaded containing the title of the paper, the author(s) name(s), address, telephone number and e-mail address, as well as academic status, name of the scientific institution to which the author(s) belong(s) and the date of submission to the journal. Without exception, all articles containing figures will have to be uploaded with the images included within the body of the text, in the appropriate place and with captions.

All papers published by UcoArte will be licensed under Creative Commons License Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0), so both the reading and research community is free to share, copy and redistribute the material in any medium, as well as remix, transform and build upon the material for any purpose. However, anyone using the published article is required to cite attribution for the content they use, always give appropriate credit, provide a link to the licence and indicate if changes have been made. The license can be found at the bottom of the website and in the sections of each article we publish.  In UcoArte we believe that culture should be free and accessible to interested people, for this reason in our website you can download scientific articles at no cost, as well as the research community will not be charged for publishing in the journal. In essence, authors hold copyright but share publishing rights.


UCOARTE. Rules for submitting papers

Format and language of the manuscripts:

Papers will have a maximum extension of 30 pages, typed 1.5 spaces, with a maximum of 65,000 characters, including graphics, and notes.

Contributions may be submitted in any of the official languages of the European Union during the Call For Papers period of the journal. We also remind the research community that the journal is published annually.

The papers will be examined by the Editorial Board.The Editorial Board will submit the articles to the opinion of two external reviewers who are specialists in the subject of study, who will issue a report on the scientific quality of the articles. Following the reading of the report, the Editorial Board will decide whether or not to publish the article. 

If the articles submitted to the journal are the result of an I+D+I project or are the result of a funding source, these must be stated in the article, and the author must make sure to fill in the corresponding field in the OJS submission metadata.

If the article is the result of the contribution of two or more people, they must be listed as signatories, therefore they must specify to the journal the criteria followed to establish the order of authorship of the submission.

Text of the paper:

It will be headed with the title in Spanish (in lower case and bold) and English (in lower case). This will be followed by an abstract of no more than ten lines, in Spanish and English, and a maximum of five key words in the same languages.  Abstracts should accurately reflect the content of the article. The keywords will be chosen taking into account their use for indexing and classifying the article, so they must be sufficiently descriptive. 

The text should preferably be written in Microsoft Office Word, using Times New Roman 12 for the text and Times New Roman 10 for the notes. The text should be justified both in the body of the paper and in the notes.

If the text includes headings, these must be in capital letters and rounded, separated from the text by a space and without numbering.

No space may be added between paragraphs or any type of separation mark.

If literal texts are included, both in the body of the work and in the notes, these must be in round and in inverted commas, except for words in other languages, titles of literary or artistic works and specific subjects, which may be in italics.


Citation rules in the text:

UcoArte. Revista de Teoría e Historia del arte implements in its journal the Hardvard citation style, which is based on the ISO 690 standard.

References will be written in a footnote and must conform to the following indications:


In footnote references, monographs, book chapters, articles or exhibition catalogues will appear only in abridged form:

Surname, year: xx-xx. pp].

Example: Olivera, 1992: 24-48.


References to different works by the same author should be separated by a semicolon, without indicating the author's surname again:

Surname, year: xx-xx. [pp]; year: xx-xx. [pp].

Example: Gutiérrez Haces, 1989: 31-38; 1997: 395-400.


Works by the same author published in the same year should be differentiated by adding a letter to the year:

Surname, year(a): xx-xx. [pp]; year(b): xx-xx. [pp].

Example: Angulo, 1958a: 85-89; 1958b: 341-343.


If several authors are included in the same bibliographical reference, they should be cited one after the other, separated by a full stop:

Surname, year: xx-xx. pp]. Surname, year: xx-xx. pp].

Example: Gutiérrez Haces, 1989: 31-38. Brown, 1991: 63-72.


If a bibliographic reference has more than one author, they are separated by a slash:

Surname/Last name, year: xx-xx. pp].

Example: Checa/Morán, 1995: 242-258.


Press articles without an author should be cited only in a footnote, indicating the title and the name of the newspaper, place if necessary, followed by the date and pages:

Example: "Hablando de Cossío". In: ABC, Seville, 3-XII-1940: 36.


To cite documents from the Internet, the following models should be used:

Surname, Name (year): "Title". In: <http://www.[full URL]> [date consulted].

"Title". At: <http://www.[full URL]> [date of consultation].


References to primary sources should appear only in the notes and not in the bibliography.

The name of the document should be cited in italics, followed by the date, the name of the archive and the place of location, the fonds, file and dossier or foliation. In brackets, the abbreviation of the archive, to be used in subsequent citations, should be given in the first citation. Example:

Carta del Conde de Oñate a Felipe IV, acerca de los gastos de la misión de Velázquez en Italia, 18 de abril de 1651, Archivo Histórico Nacional, Madrid (AHN), Estado, legajo 122, ff. 39v-40r.

Footnotes will also include any comments or clarifications to the text that may be considered appropriate.


Bibliographical list:


An alphabetical bibliography should be included at the end of the text. Only publications that have been used and are cited in the footnotes should be listed. They will take the following form:


For monographs and collective volumes

Surname, First name (year): Title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Surname, First name/First name, Name (year): Title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Surname, First name/First name, First name (eds.) (year): Title. Place of publication: Publisher.


For chapters and contributions in collective volumes and catalogues

Surname, First name (year): "Title". In: Surname, First name/First name, First name (eds.) (year): Title. Place of publication: Publisher, pp. xx-xx.


For journal articles

Surname, First name (year): "Title". In: Journal, xx [Vol.], xx [No.], Place, pp. xx-xx.


In the case of several works by the same author, they will be ordered chronologically, each time including the author's name. Works by the same author, published in the same year, will be differentiated by adding a letter to the year.



Web page:

Entity (year created or last updated) Website title [online] available at <insert web link> [accessed: dd month yyyy].

Example: Cultura inquieta(2021) 10.000 cartas suspendidas en la poética instalación inmersiva de Chiharu Shiota  [Online] available at <https://culturainquieta.com/es/arte/instalaciones/item/17955-10-000-cartas-suspendidas-en-la-poetica-instalacion-inmersiva-de-chiharu-shiota.html> [accessed: 22nd march 2021].

Blog entries:

Surname, I. (year) Title of post entry. Blog title [blog] day month of post. Available at <insert web link> [accessed: dd month yyyy].

Example: Perezandulza. Un blog sobre arte, patrimonio y Córdoba (2020) “Guiris” románticos. Perezandulza. Un blog sobre arte, patrimonio y Córdoba [blog] 27 April. Available at <https://perezandaluza.blogspot.com/2020/04/guiris-romanticos.html> [accessed: 22nd march 2021].

Facebook post:

Surname, I. (year) Title post [Facebook] day and month of post. Available at <web link> [accessed: dd month yyyy].

Example: La Cuna de Halicarnaso (2021) Presentación oficial del libro La vida en un minuto [Facebook] 22 February. Available at <https://www.facebook.com/cunahalicarnaso/posts/3832988256814285> [accessed: 22nd march 2021].


Surname, I. (year) Full tweet [Twitter] day month of tweet. Available at <insert web link> [accessed: dd month yyyy].

Example: Pérez-Reverte, A. (2021) "Me pregunta en esa lengua si hablo árabe. I reply in Spanish that I don't, that I only know a hundred phrases and words, including almost all the good insults" [Twitter] 15 March. Available at <https://twitter.com/perezreverte/status/1371351047076245506 > [accessed: 22nd march 2021].

PowerPoint presentation:

Surname, I. (year) Title presentation [PowerPoint]. Available at <insert web address> [accessed: dd month yyyy].

Example: Salcedo, P.C. (2021) Direct marketing [PowerPoint]. Available from < https://es.scribd.com/presentation/143405909/MARKETING-DIRECTO-ppt> [accessed: 22nd march 2021].


Audiovisual resources:


Film title (year of distribution) Surname, I. Director, dir. [format]. Place of distribution: Distributor.

Example: Solo los amantes sobreviven (2014) Jarmusch, J. Dir. [Blu-ray Disc]. Spain: Paramount Home Entertainment.

Video from an online platform:

Surname, I. (year) Video title [Name of online video platform] available at <web address> [accessed: dd month yyyy].

Example: Florence + The Machine (2018) Florence + The Machine - The Odyssey (Full film, directed by Vincent Haycock) [Youtube] available at <https://youtu.be/HajiEqEtIRY> [accessed: 22nd march 2021].


Audio resources:

Vinyl, Cassette, CD:

Surname, I. (year of release), Title [Format]. City : Record label.

Example: La Bien Querida (2017), Fuego [Vinyl, 45 RPM]. Madrid: Elefants Records.

Sinatra, F. (1998), Swing Easy [CD]. Nashville: Capitol Records.

La Oreja de Van Gogh (2000), El viaje de Copperbot [Cassette]. New York: Epic records. Sony Music Entertainment.


Last name, I. (year) Title of episode, Title of series if relevant [podcast] station or channel. Date and time of broadcast: dd month, hh:mm. Available at <web address>[query: date format dd month yyyy].

Example: Olivier, A. (2020) El reino y la música electrónica, El podcast del cine español. [podcast] El podcast del cine español. 03 July 2020. Available at https://www.ivoox.com/reino-musica-electronica-olivier-audios-mp3_rf_53163773_1.html [accessed: 22nd march 2021].



Each work may be accompanied by a maximum of 15 illustrations to be submitted in separate files, preferably in JPG format with maximum resolution of no less than 300 dpi. It is recommended that they be of the best possible quality to ensure optimum reproduction.

The illustrations should be numbered consecutively according to the text, indicating in the text where they should be included as follows (fig. 1). A list of illustrations, graphs, tables, etc. should be included in a separate file. It shall consist of the indication "Fig." followed by a sequential number in Arabic characters and a text identifying them and in which the corresponding sources and credits must be cited. Copyrighted graphic material must be accompanied by the corresponding authorisations and, where appropriate, the citation of sources.

The proofs, in .pdf format, will be sent to the authors for correction, which will be limited mainly to typos or grammatical changes. Variations that significantly alter the typographical adjustment or the content of the text will not be accepted. Any marks or annotations made in the revised file which involve changes to the wording of the original will not be taken into consideration. Corrections must be made within a maximum of fifteen days.



Reviews that have already been written will not be accepted. The editorial team will evaluate the book -prior submission by the interested parties to the journal's management-. Once the review has been received and accepted, it will be submitted to a specialist in the field.

The magazine's editor-in-chief postal address: 

Paula Revenga Domínguez

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras.

Plaza del Cardenal Salazar, 3.

