Sor Ana de la Cruz Ribera (1606-1650) and the families father Chapel in Montilla Santa Clara Convent
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The bond established between the marquisate of Priego and the convent of Saint Clara of Montilla is reflected, among other facets, in the relevance that acquired some of their nuns, who belonged or were close to this nobiliary family. This is the case of sister Ana de la Cruz Ribera, niece of the V marquises of Priego, whose life in religion was detached for her extraordinary observance and mysticism. Her devotion to the Passion of Chist was exemplified in an image of the crucified that was donated by her brother fray Payo Afán de Ribera, of the order of St. Augustine. In memory of her sanctity, a chapel in the cloister of the clarisas convent in Montilla was built.
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Bellido Vela, E. (2017). Sor Ana de la Cruz Ribera (1606-1650) and the families father Chapel in Montilla Santa Clara Convent. UCOARTE. Revista De Teoría E Historia Del Arte, 6, 43–68.