The adoration of the shepherds in the Baroque painting of Cordoba
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As a matter of preference in the history of Christianity, the Adoration of the Shepherds to Jesus of Nazareth will be one of the most present themes in the different religious spaces of the city of Cordoba, and also one of the favorites of the Cordovan painters of the XVII century, who cultivated it profusely. The joint study of those that have reached our time, either from the outside or from the workshops of the main artists who worked in the city during that period, let us know perfectly how the taste on this subject evolved throughout Of the time under baroque naturalism.
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Palencia Cerezo, J. M. (2019). The adoration of the shepherds in the Baroque painting of Cordoba. UCOARTE. Revista De Teoría E Historia Del Arte, 8, 62–85.