Musivaria HD virtual mosaic museum of roman Hispania, graphics and tools for displaying data on late roman mosaics

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Beatriz Garrido Ramos


This article refers to a series of tools used for the visualization of late-ancient musivary iconography data in the Iberian Peninsula. We will focus on the Musivaria HD Project, as a result of the author's doctoral thesis. Subsequently, in graphs, as the main form of presentation of information, as an example of visualization of data, in a way that allows its analysis from a point of view that differs from that usual in investigations on the History of Art in general, and late Roman mosaics in particular. Consequently, these tools have made it possible to approach the data from the perspective of the Digital Humanities, which has facilitated the extraction of more enriching conclusions at different levels. 


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How to Cite
Garrido Ramos, B. (2020). Musivaria HD virtual mosaic museum of roman Hispania, graphics and tools for displaying data on late roman mosaics. UCOARTE. Revista De Teoría E Historia Del Arte, 9, 9–19.
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