Proposal for the graphic reconstruction of the medieval churches of Santo Domingo de Silos. Synthesis of recent historiography
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Between the X and XIII centuries the disappeared church of Santo Domingo de Silos was submitted to continuous reforms and extensions that overlapped each other. The present work tries to raise proposals of graphical reconstruction on the approximate image that could have each one of those interventions, in order to do so, it resorted to the study of the different hypotheses that historians have been putting over the last few years. The work, therefore, is a historiographical journey from which we will take the proposals we consider most appropriate in each case, which we will try to justify on the basis of our own observations.
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Antolin Minaya, R. (2021). Proposal for the graphic reconstruction of the medieval churches of Santo Domingo de Silos. Synthesis of recent historiography. UCOARTE. Revista De Teoría E Historia Del Arte, 10, 19–41.