Enhancing the agri-food chain through innovation: Grupo La Caña Dª Beatriz Molina

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Beatriz Molina


The concepts of the bioeconomy, the circular economy and sustainability are timely ones today, prompting us to ask whether there really are companies that are based on them, with these ideas shaping their strategies and them assigning enough importance to sustainability at a strategic level (Junta de Andalucía, 2018). The answer is yes, at both the normative and legislative levels, as the orientations of companies are, in fact, headed in this direction. As an example of this, the Grupo La Caña is presented, a producer, marketer, exporter and importer of horticultural products based on Granada’s “Tropical Coast” and operating throughout the Andalusia region. Through sustainable socioeconomic development, it stands out for a business model characterised by its efficient use of tools and natural resources. Hence, it has been crucial to carry out an optimisation of the processes, methods and protocols that provide goods and services well-adapted to the management of the industry, as well as to reduce waste generated and its effect on the immediate environment.


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