Bioeconomy as a strategic line of the Agri-food Campus of International Excellence, ceiA3,

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María Dolores de Toro Jordano


Awareness of the importance of the Bioeconomy and the promotion of its transfer to promote progress towards a circular economy in productive systems linked to agri-food calls for the implementation of a series of actions and strategies at the territorial and regional levels, and the involvement of different agents serving as driving forces and energising initiatives, with a bottom-up and multi-actor approach. This is where the Agri-food Campus of International Excellence, ceiA3, through its Bioeconomy strategy, aligned with the Andalusian RIS3, stands as a key instrument for the Andalusian region. The campus promotes scientific dissemination and awareness of the Bioeconomy in society and the productive fabric while favouring the alignment


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How to Cite
de Toro Jordano, M. D. (2021). Bioeconomy as a strategic line of the Agri-food Campus of International Excellence, ceiA3,. C3-BIOECONOMY: Circular and Sustainable Bioeconomy, (1), 123–137 / 119.
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