Measurement of the biomass resources from the olive grove sector in Andalusia: An updated approach
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The growing trend in olive groves area and intensification of olive farms in Andalusia has led to an increase in the production of olive by-products. In this context, an updated quantification of the volume of these biomass resources is utterly needed, especially considering that recent estimations are lacking. There is an extensive literature that provides different estimates of biomass production rates for this sector, both in the agricultural and industrial phases. However, the estimates based on these studies yield very heterogeneous results. This study aims to critically analyze the proposals for the quantification of by-products in the Andalusian olive sector, identifying which ones should be taken as a reference for a realistic estimation. For this purpose, the main scientific publications are evaluated, and the results are applied to the average data of the last 5 olive growing seasons of the Andalusian olive sector. This has made it possible to quantify the biomass potential of the olive sector in Andalusia at 9,6 Mt per year. This quantification is useful to support public and private decision-making about the development of circular bioeconomy activities oriented to the valorization of this production.
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