The Editorial Board of C3-BIOECONOMY: Circular and Sustainable Bioeconomy declares its commitment to ethical conduct and its rejection of bad publishing practices. To this end, it adopts the code sanctioned by the Committee on Publication Ethics [Cope] (Core Practices) (, rigorously adopting the ethical guidelines suggested by Elsevier (

The right of reply of the contributors and of any researcher mentioned in each issue is respected and encouraged. The terms of the reply must be both strictly academic and respectful. Otherwise, it will not be published. 

The same applies to retractions and/or corrections. If a C3-BIOECONOMY contributor finds new data that confirms, qualifies or refutes the initial hypothesis, methodology and/or conclusions of an article appearing in our journal, or those of other researchers, he/she may publish a note (or a review article) from the subsequent issue, provided it is approved by the editorial board.


Anti-plagiarism Policy

C3-BIOECONOMY: Circular and Sustainable Bioeconomy will not publish articles that are not unpublished (apart from translations of those that are very difficult to access). It also condemns plagiarism and fraud, as well as the reworking or paraphrasing of previous works (its own or those of others). Its editorial policy guarantees originality by means of the Turnitin anti-plagiarism software. These cases will lead to the rejection of submissions and, if detected in articles already published, they will be removed from our website.

If an author submits a totally or partially plagiarised or self-plagiarised article, he/she will not be able to submit a new one until after a six-year period. In case of repetition, he/she will be excluded from publication in C3-BIOECONOMY.


Peer Review Process

The originals will be evaluated by a double-blind peer review system (Double-Blind Peer Review). For this purpose, specialists are used, ruling out those who may present conflicts of interest with the research topic or with the authors. Evaluations in which a reviewer claims the need to cite his/her own work as an indication of quality will be rejected. A triple review will be resorted to when the Editorial Board deems it appropriate, i.e. when one of the two reports is negative.

Editorial decisions will be appropriate to the quality and scientific originality of the articles, as well as to the line of the journal and compliance with its rules; in no case will there be any motives of race, ideology, gender or sexual choice, nationality or academic affiliation.

Editorial supervision over the approval and rejection of articles is the responsibility of the journal's editor and the members of the Editorial Board (Editorial Team)

The editor of the journal (Julio Berbel Vecino | Universidad de Córdoba) checks that the changes have been incorporated in the articles ‘publishable with modifications’. He/she also reserves the right to reject the article, before sending it to the reviewers, if the author does not comply with the spelling and typographical criteria required by C3-BIOECONOMY, does not respect the grammatical rules or commits criminal practices (plagiarism, self-plagiarism, insults, fallacies, etc.).

Once the article has been approved, the director of C3-BIOECONOMY (Julio Berbel Vecino | Universidad de Córdoba) proceeds to a third reading to offer suggestions for improvement to the author, in the hope (and ethical duty) that they will be taken into account: ortho-typographical, grammatical, stylistic and bibliographical.