Editorial practices regarding gender equality
C3-BIOECONOMY: Circular and Sustainable Bioeconomy is committed to implementing gender policies that lead to real equality between men and women in society. This commitment is reflected in several key actions.
Editorial participation
The journal will take measures to ensure balanced gender representation, both on the journal’s different boards and among manuscript reviewers.
Use of inclusive language
Creneida. Anuario de Literaturas Hispánicas recommends using inclusive language in scientific articles, in order to take into account the presence and situation of women in society and in accordance with the principle of gender equality. In this sense, authors are encouraged to use gender-neutral rather than masculine terms to refer to classes or groups of individuals, whether male or female. It is also advisable to add explanatory phrases, avoid references to the subject or, if none of the above is possible, make reference to both women and men in the text.
For further details and recommendations, see the Inclusive Language Best Practices Guide for Writing and Translation (PDF), published by UCOPress. Editorial Universidad de Córdoba, 2023.
Sex and gender in research
When writing research works, authors must avoid gender stereotypes and biases whereby men are regarded as the universal point of reference, biological differences are exacerbated or socially constructed differences are seen as natural. They must also consider the sex variable in research. For more information, see the practical guide for the inclusion of the gender perspective in research contents (PDF) (available in Spanish).