La acción tutorial como herramienta de aprendizaje. Especial referencia a la tutorización del alumnado con necesidades especiales.


  • Carmen Montesinos Padilla Universidade de Vigo



The university tutorial action has acquired a prominent role in the field of the
higher education. Consequently, university community’s functions have deeply changed.
In this (new) context, the university teaching staff must guide the students in shaping their
educational and professional projects. But insufficient training, lack of means and a clear
lack of incentives, problematize the exercise of the functions inherent to university
tutoring, even more in the case of the counseling of people with special needs associated
with the disability. Attitudinal barriers are raised and strengthened in these cases,
requiring a close collaboration between all the agents involved to achieve the goals of an
inclusive education.


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How to Cite

Montesinos Padilla, C. (2023). La acción tutorial como herramienta de aprendizaje. Especial referencia a la tutorización del alumnado con necesidades especiales. DOCENCIA Y DERECHO, (11).