Incorporación de las necesidades especiales en la tutoría de una asignatura: los trabajos de fin de grado
Can we adapt our teaching to those who have special educational needs? Should we?
Those educational needs may be due to physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments.
Once we have identified special needs that a student has, and even after defining adaptation
recommendations, it remains to implement such recommendations in the classroom. The
consideration of the teacher on the methodology and the evaluation system of the subject that
she gives facilitates this task. In this paper, in connection with the end of degree project we will
comment on the adaptations that have been made to overcome the academic difficulties linked
to those deficiencies.
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How to Cite
Pérez Moneo , M. (2023). Incorporación de las necesidades especiales en la tutoría de una asignatura: los trabajos de fin de grado. DOCENCIA Y DERECHO, (11).
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