A first approach to italian Administrative Law for spanish students: “brothers but not twin systems”





Multilingualism, teaching, university, Public Administrative Law, Italian system, Spanish system


This paper aims to provide a simple and innovative method to explain the main features of Italian Administrative Law to Spanish law students. A teaching method based on the pattern of differences and similarities is proposed. This approach to Italian Administrative Law is possible given the many commonalities subsisting between this legal system and the Spanish one. As will be demonstrated in the following pages, this way of proceeding is favourable to both teachers and students, as it allows them to take advantage of already acquired knowledge in order to understand a similar but nevertheless different reality.


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How to Cite

Martín Ferndández, C., & Tumminelli, D. (2023). A first approach to italian Administrative Law for spanish students: “brothers but not twin systems”. DOCENCIA Y DERECHO, (21), 52–63. https://doi.org/10.21071/redd.vi21.17369