The teaching of Law and the university lecturer ath the University Bononiense: a conservative approach to the training of comprehensive jurists




law teaching, jurist, integral training


This paper aims to investigate the meaning of the university and the training it should offer, focusing on the legal field, in order to highlight what should be preserved in the Spanish university resulting from the Bologna reform. In this respect, the focus will be on the training of “integral” jurists, people who are learned in the legal discipline, cultured and with an enlightened background, socially committed and with skills for the generic performance of legal professions. Finally, we will reflect on the model of the university professor, which we argue should move away from the ludopathic degradation that is so widespread today and from the paradigm imposed by current teaching evaluation systems. It ends by identifying the virtues of a teacher, the methods to be followed and the competences to be developed in their students if they aim to achieve the ideal of comprehensive education.


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How to Cite

Teruel Lozano, G. (2024). The teaching of Law and the university lecturer ath the University Bononiense: a conservative approach to the training of comprehensive jurists. DOCENCIA Y DERECHO, (23), 3–19.

