Cooperative work: a proposal of learning fractions with students in the fifth grade

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Nelson Andrés Acevedo Forero
Romina Georyany Guerrero Ordóñez


The purpose of this research is to improve school performance of students in the study of fractions using the cooperative work of fifth grade students at   Alto del Obispo School, in San Agustín Huila. Starting from considerations of the Basic Standards for Mathematical Competencies, we state that learning mathematics is not only a cognitive issue, but it also involves emotional and social factors, which are related to a particular learning context in order to contribute to a better quality of life for citizens. That's why mathematics education in learning fractions can be made through the cooperative work which is an exercise that is learned and develops a team of students through positive interdependence, individual and group responsibility, stimulating interaction, some interpersonal and group practices and group evaluation. A methodology is used with a quantitative approach under a non-experimental longitudinal design type panel, examining changes over time, collecting data at different times and applied to the same study group, where initially an objective test (pre-test) is applied to collect data. In a second phase, after developing the teaching strategy, we apply the initial instruments (post-test) the data is processed in the computer SPSS again rendering apparent that the group has experienced a change. As a result, cooperative work is an educational and learning of fractions benchmark that promotes students interests and common sense in a healthy coexistence.


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How to Cite
Acevedo Forero, N. A., & Guerrero Ordóñez, R. G. (2018). Cooperative work: a proposal of learning fractions with students in the fifth grade. EDMETIC, 7(2), 184–196.
Investigaciones y Experiencias
Author Biographies

Nelson Andrés Acevedo Forero, Universidad de la Amazonia

Departamento del Huila, municipio de San Agustín

Romina Georyany Guerrero Ordóñez, Universidad de la Amazonia

Departamento del Huila, municipio de San Agustín


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