E-learning and development of key competencies: a bibliometric study
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The electronic-learning education model (e-learning) articulates technology-mediated learning using different tools and methodologies. Based on this idea, the present study aims at reviewing the impact of e-learning on the development of key competencies from a bibliometric and content point of view. To this end, we analyze the scientific production related to studies where this model is used to develop competencies, and reflect on the benefits of flexible and open environments. More specifically, we have analysed 255 papers available in the Scopus index, restricting the sample to texts published within the last decade. The results show that the scientific production about e-learning has increased in recent years (especially in Spain and the United States), usually in co-authorship and with a limited impact on the number of citations. Most studies are connected to higher education, where this sort of educational actions are much more common. Finally, the content analysis has allowed to identify different linked concepts, as well as the potential of e-learning for the development of competencies such as critical thinking and communicative skills. Conversely, its adequacy for the development of social competencies is often criticized.
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E-ISSN: 2254-0059
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