Guidelines for the construction of an Educational Software Repository at the Autonomous University of Chiapas

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Verónica Rodríguez-Aguilar
Sandra Luz Canchola Magdaleno
Rebeca Garzón Clemente


Repositories for storing resources applied to teaching and learning are a primary need in Higher Education Institutions. However, these repositories have not met current educational needs. The objective of the research was to identify the guidelines for the construction of an Educational Software Repository (ESR) for the computer systems area of the Autonomous University of Chiapas and to compare the results of the semester groups. The method was a quantitative study under experimental design and application of the ANOVA test to identify if there were significant variations in the different semesters. The inferential statistics showed that there are no representative differences in the guidelines for the construction and development of a ESR of the different semesters of UNACH. The most outstanding specifications for the construction of the technological and digital resource were: having the functions of storage, search and download, use of object-oriented architecture, C++ and Python programming language on the Windows operating system and MySQL Server database, the resulting metadata format is CSV and XML registration, centralization of information and search optimization were among the main benefits.


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How to Cite
Rodríguez-Aguilar, V., Canchola Magdaleno, S. L., & Garzón Clemente, R. (2024). Guidelines for the construction of an Educational Software Repository at the Autonomous University of Chiapas. EDMETIC, 13(1), art.5. (Original work published May 29, 2024)
Investigaciones y Experiencias
Author Biographies

Verónica Rodríguez-Aguilar, Español

She has a degree in Computer Systems from the Autonomous University of Chiapas, titled by academic merit. With a Specialty in Cultural Processes Reading-Writers and a Master's Degree in Cultural Studies, graduated with Honorable Mention in the career and both postgraduates in the same institution. He has carried out research and development work in the areas of education, culture, communication and technologies. He has participated as a speaker in various national and international conferences such as: 2nd Ibero-American Congress on Educational Quality 2013, II Congress of SNI Researchers 2015 and Ibero-America 2016; Mesoamerican Research Congress UNACH 2015, 2016; the International Research Congress Academia Journals 2021 among others. He has a diploma in Digital Literacy and accreditations in Technological Skills for productivity, level I; as well as the computer technical support and TIC-TAC 2016 competitions.

Sandra Luz Canchola Magdaleno, Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro

Sandra Luz Canchola Magdaleno. Research professor at the Faculty of Informatics of the UAQ with a PhD in Advanced Technology from the CICATA-IPN Querétaro and a master's degree in Distributed Software Engineering from the UAQ. He teaches classes in the Computer Engineering programs, with CONAIC-Accord international recognition, and in Software Engineering, with CONAIC national recognition. Participates in the Basic Academic Nucleus of the Doctorate in Educational Technology with PNPC-CONACYT recognition. Participates in the Bioethics Committee of the faculty, evaluator in calls for FONDEC and FOPER. Co-author of research articles, conference proceedings and book chapters. His main research interests are image processing, algorithm optimization, and educational technology applications.


Rebeca Garzón Clemente, Universidad Autónoma de Chiapas

Professor - researcher at the Autonomous University of Chiapas. PhD in Processes training in virtual spaces by the University of Salamanca, Spain. Worried about digital inclusion, has contributed to the digital literacy of university students, a society in General and staff of public organizations in Mexico. Has made stays international organizations that have allowed him to collaborate with research groups iberoamericans. His academic production, in the axes of technologies in education and digital culture, integrates various articles in internationally renowned magazines and books recognized by editorial groups.

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