Uso de tecnología y la implementación del Blended Learning en la Enseñanza de Inglés
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This study focuses on the use of technology and its impact on the implementation of Blended Learning. It analyzes the effect of Blended Learning on English language learning by comparing different teaching modalities. The relationship between Blended Learning and the use of technology, as well as the emotional aspects and motivation of students, is examined. The findings show that there are no significant differences in computer self-efficacy between Blended Learning and the virtual modality, although the distribution of scores varies among the groups. Additionally, no significant differences were found in the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) between Blended Learning and the virtual modality. In conclusion, a combination of pedagogical and technological factors is required to achieve a greater impact on learning. The study highlights the importance of designing suitable learning environments to maximize the impact of these modalities. In summary, Blended Learning can enhance motivation and engagement among English language students in higher education, which can have a positive effect on their academic performance and willingness to continue learning the language.
Article Details
E-ISSN: 2254-0059
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