Exploring the role of interactive games in improving Spanish spelling skills: A Mobile App study

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Esteban Vázquez-Cano
César Bernal-Bravo
Cristóbal Ballesteros-Regaña
Eloy López-Meneses


This study aimed to investigate the impact of a specially designed mobile application, GAUBI, on Spanish spelling proficiency among primary school students. Utilizing a quasi-experimental design, we hypothesized that GAUBI would significantly improve spelling performance. Additionally, we examined the relationship between the type and duration of gameplay—specifically arcade, research, and fiction games—and improvements in spelling proficiency. The study involved 114 Spanish primary school students, who completed a pre-test to establish baseline spelling skills. Following a period of app usage, a post-test was administered to evaluate changes in performance. Pre-test and post-test assessments were aligned with the primary school curriculum in Spanish. Paired samples t-tests compared pre- and post-test scores, revealing statistically significant improvements in spelling performance, with a big effect size (Cohen's d = 0.80). Pearson correlation coefficients explored the association between game type and spelling outcomes, identifying significant positive correlations for "Research" and "Fiction" games, while "Arcade" games showed no clear relationship. These findings suggest that narrative-driven and research-based games are particularly effective in enhancing spelling skills. The results support the use of gamification, especially through collaborative and narrative-rich games, as a beneficial strategy for practising Spanish spelling.


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How to Cite
Vázquez-Cano, E., Bernal-Bravo, C., Ballesteros-Regaña, C., & López-Meneses, E. (2024). Exploring the role of interactive games in improving Spanish spelling skills: A Mobile App study. EDMETIC, 14(1), art.4. https://doi.org/10.21071/edmetic.v14i1.17374
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