Teaching Digital Competence in Greece according to DigCompEdu Framework

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Vasileios Chondrogiannis
Juan Jesús Gutiérrez-Castillo


Over the past decade, in the field of education have been introduced innovative teaching approaches as a consequence of the advent of new technological developments. These require further development of Teaching Digital Competence (TDC) which in the case of European Union countries have been regulated by the DigCompEdu framework. The aim of the study is to determine and compare the level of teachers’ self-perception of Teaching Digital Competence (TDC) in Greece according to DigCompEdu framework. A total of 1420 teachers participated from all specialties that teach in both primary and secondary education from different regions of Greece.  

For this purpose, this article presents the results of an ex post facto research with a cross sectional design, based on a descriptive and hypothesis testing approach. Additionally, the study examines the relationship between teaching digital competence and a number of factors, including the teachers' demographic characteristic and their professional background (region of teaching, specialization, time of use ICT in classroom and primary and secondary level of education). 

The results show that the majority of the survey participants were found to have a medium to high level of TDC per specialty. The gender factor was not found to be related to the level of TDC. Furthermore, the examination of the aforementioned factors revealed significant findings affecting specific areas of teachers' digital competence. The present study is one of the first to be conducted in Greece according to the most recent revision of the DigCompEdu framework and seeks to contribute to further enrichment of the available data on the TDC of teachers in Greek primary and secondary schools. 

Keywords: Digital competence in teaching, teachers training, ICT, DigCompEdu 


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How to Cite
Chondrogiannis, V., & Gutiérrez-Castillo, J. J. (2024). Teaching Digital Competence in Greece according to DigCompEdu Framework. EDMETIC, 14(1), art.6. https://doi.org/10.21071/edmetic.v14i1.17616
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