Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval (REFIME) is a yearly scholarly publication indexed, peer-reviewed, and distributed by UCO Press. Regularly published since 1993, it is the official journal of Sociedad de Filosofía Medieval (SOFIME). Its official venue is the University of Córdoba (Spain).

The main scope of Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval is the broad field of studies on medieval thought. Its specific aim is to provide scholarship with outstanding scientific contributions, specifically on scientific and philosophical reflections developed through the Middle Ages, their sources, and their influence through the Renaissance and Early Modern periods. Any original contribution to study on the four main medieval traditions – Latin, Arabic, Hebrew, and Greek – is welcome, especially if focused on the transmission of knowledge among these different frameworks. While the main interest of the Journal is the philosophical analysis of doctrinal positions held by medieval and Early Modern thinkers, papers examining the historical context of those positions are welcome as well, recognising the implicit link between historical and philosophical study of medieval thought. The Journal is also interested in original papers on the broad history of scientific reflection, from Late Antiquity to the Early Modern period, especially when linked to their medieval development or sources.

Dedicated sections of the Journal publish critical reviews of newly published books and scientific notes of short length. In exceptional cases, the Journal accepts modern translations of medieval and Early Modern texts of short length accompanied by an introduction. Translations should be prepared bearing in mind their twofold aim of divulgation and scholarly contribution: the Editorial Board will only accept submission of papers meeting both of these requirements.

Articles submitted must be original contributions. Please note that the Journal will accept a limited number of contributions by the same author. The editors will decide on a case-by-case basis whether to consider further contributions by the same author in a short period. Similar consideration may apply to book reviews.

Authors should be aware that Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval will hold the copyright of the published articles. Consequently, articles published in the Journal must not be published again, either entirely or partially, in any other publications without explicit authorization by the Journal Editorial Board.


Journal Indexes

Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval is rated by Scopus, Sistema de Valoración Integrada de Revistas Españolas (RESH), Difusión y Calidad Editorial de las Revistas Españolas de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales y Jurídicas (DICE) and LATINDEX. The Journal is indexed in Philosopher’s Index (PHI), ISOC – Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades, Répertoire Bibliographique de la Philosophie (RBPH), Regesta Imperii, Dialnet and EBSCO. Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval is published with the financial support of Sociedad de Filosofía Medieval (SOFIME), and is printed and distributed in open access by UCO Press.


Ethical and Legal Conditions

The Journal expects authors to observe the highest standards in publication ethics concerning plagiarism, misappropriation of others’ work, etc. As the Journal’s policy is to publish new, original work, and to respect the copyright of other publishers, authors are asked not to submit articles which have already been published elsewhere. Cases with exceptional circumstances will, however, be considered. By the same token, as the Journal holds the copyright of articles published with it, authors are reminded not to republish articles in other publications without explicit authorization by the Journal Editorial Board.

Submitted papers will undergo a process of blind peer review, evaluating the author’s contribution to the field and the authenticity of the proposed data. Authors are expected to contribute meaningfully with their paper to scholarly debate on the selected topic. Authors are also asked to provide any corrections/changes to the submitted paper as soon as possible after the review. The Editorial Board will ensure an objective peer review process, avoiding possible conflicts of interest. The Journal will treat articles in the review process with strict confidentiality.

The Journal editors assume complete responsibility and authority to reject or accept an article. The editors will confirm that they have no conflict of interest with respect to articles they accept/reject; and they will only accept a paper when they are reasonably certain of its authenticity. If errors are found, the editors will ensure publication of a correction or retraction, preserving the anonymity of reviewers.

Publishing ethics will be monitored and safeguarded by the Journal’s Editorial Board on the basis of guidelines for retracting articles, and maintenance of the integrity of the Journal’s academic standing. The Journal will always be willing to publish corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when needed, on the basis that neither plagiarised nor fraudulent data will be published.

Vol. 31 No. 1 (2024): The Powers of the Soul in Medieval Franciscan Thought

Published: 2024-09-16

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