"Streaming Noir": the evolution of the thriller in spanish tv series

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Marcos Rafael Cañas Pelayo


Over the last few decades, Spanish film noir has evolved from a certain style of mannerism toward imitating US thrillers in a move toward domestic productions that address social issues familiar to the audience, yet without compromising the quality of the film-making. At the same time, a fascinating spillover effect has greatly contributed to television fiction, which has taken advantage of this source of inspiration to dedicate more hours to developing its characters and their motivations, in comparison to what can be achieved on celluloid. For example, as a result of the pandemic, the turning point for the rise of streaming platforms was a proliferation of national series such as Nasdrovia, Patria, Antidisturbiosand others, which hoped to culminate a revolution that had already been underway for some years. The aim of our analysis is to offer a chronology of this evolution in order to gain a greater understanding of this television phenomenon. Likewise, we will attempt to highlight the historical contexts and journalistic investigations, specifically cases such as Nacho Carretero's Fariña, which have justified the public's interest and represent a true reflection of the country's most pressing concerns and issues, such as political corruption, terrorism, organised crime, and others.


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How to Cite
Cañas Pelayo, M. R. (2025). "Streaming Noir": the evolution of the thriller in spanish tv series. SERIARTE. Revista científica De Series Televisivas Y Arte Audiovisual, 7, 123–146. https://doi.org/10.21071/seriarte.v7i.17324


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