Login or Register to make a submission.

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published nor has it been submitted for consideration by any other journal (or an explanation has been provided in this regard in the Comments for the Editor).
  • The file submitted is in DOCX format (download the ManuscriptTemplate), PNG for figures, and DOCX for tables, in separate files.
  • The text uses italics instead of underlining (except in URLs), and all the illustrations, figures and tables are sent in separate documents, in the above-mentioned format.
  • The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in this "Rules for Authors" section, within the journal's "About the Journal" section






Type of works

C3-BIOECONOMY accepts submissions of:

  •   Scientific articles
  •   Dissemination articles
  •   Brief notes
  •   Letters to the editor


The submission of works may be carried out throughout the calendar year, except during the month of August. Within 6 months, the main author will receive a response indicating acceptance or rejection of the work presented.

The article will be prepared in accordance with the template provided for this purpose (Manuscript Template), and complying with the Article Publication Rules. Its use is highly recommended to expedite the publication of articles. For scientific articles, the language will, preferably, be English. Spanish may also be used. However, if the article is in Spanish, certain sections must also be included in English (see “Structure” section below).

The author or authors must send their authorization (CessionRights) for the possible publication.
General characteristics of the papers submitted.

General characteristics of the papers submitted

  1. Length: documents submitted for consideration by C3-BIOECONOMY are to feature a maximum length of 12 pages in total (39,000 characters, including blanks) in cases of scientific and dissemination articles. The limit is 4 pages (11,000 characters, including blanks) for brief notes; and 1 page (3,500 characters, including blanks) for letters to the editor, including the first page, which will include data identifying the authors, tables, graphs and images, as well as the bibliography.
  1. Structure: the structure of the papers presented will contain the following sections for articles and brief notes: Title, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Materials and methods / Development, Results, Discussion and Bibliography; and, for letters to the editor: Title, Keywords and Text. If the article or brief note is in Spanish, the Title, Abstract and Keywords must also be in English.
  1. Formatting rules:
  • The abstract will have a maximum of 200 words.
  • The page size shall be A4.
  • Document margins: those established automatically by conventional processors (Office), these being 2.5 cm above and below, and 3 cm to the right and left.
  • The interlinear space will be 1.5 cm, with no additional spaces between the paragraphs.
  • Paragraphs shall not be indented on the first line.
  • The texts will feature fully justified formatting.
  • The font will be Century Gothic, 11 points.
  • The images, as well as the screenshots, are to have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi and be attached in PNG format.
  • The tables shall be numbered consecutively at the top of them, immediately after incorporating the reference source from which they were taken. If it is the author's own work, or work done with the support of a second author, one should put "Source: Own work" or "Source: Own work, based on contributions by Romero (2012, p. 14) or Romero (2012)". The interlinear space will be Single, and the size of the text will be 10 points or less, depending on the author's needs.
  • The images and figures will be numbered consecutively at the bottom, with their origins also being indicated, whether they are from the author, or consultable via the Internet. In this second case, the source URL will be indicated, which will be active at the time the proposal is sent. The date of the last consultation will be indicated. Example: [Consulted on October 11, 2011].
  • The tables, figures and images will be added to the article in separate files (Step 4, additional files-)Bibliographic references are to comply with the following guidelines:
    Journal articles: Surname in capital letters, Initial. (year). Title of the article. Journal in italics, Volume (number), pages. DOI if it has been incorporated into the document.
  • BROWN, T. A., JONES, M. K., POWELL, W., & ALLABY, R. G. (2009). The complex origins of domesticated crops in the Fertile Crescent. Trends in Ecology & Evolution, 24(2), 103-109. doi: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2008.09.008.
    Books: Surnames in Capital Letters, Initial. (year). Title of the book in italics. City of publication: Publisher.
  • KENNETT, D. J., & WINTERHALDER, B. (Eds.). (2006). Behavioral ecology and the transition to agriculture. Berkeley: University of California Press
    Book chapters: Last names in Capital Letters, Initial. (year). Title of the chapter. Initial of the author or compiler of the work. Surname (compiler, editor, director or coordinator). Title of the book in italics. (Pages). City of publication: Publisher.
  • HARRIS, D. R. (1989). An evolutionary continuum of people-plant interaction. In D. R. Harris & G. C. Hillman (Eds.), Foraging and farming: the evolution of plant exploitation (pp. 11–26). London: Routledge.
    Electronic documents. Surnames in Uppercase, Initial. (year). Title of the article. Retrieved from: Web address. DOI if it has been incorporated into the document.

The text meets the stylistic and bibliographic requirements summarized in the "Rules for Authors" section, within the "About the Journal" section.
