Bioeconomy, strategies and impact

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Alfredo Aguilar


Bioeconomy has been in existence for fifteen years and in those years, it has spread to more than fifty countries and regions around the world. It emerged as a means of seeking an alternative to an economy based exclusively on the exploitation of oil and other fossil resources. Each specific bioeconomy is adapted by its nature to the climate, agricultural, industrial and socioeconomic development of a country or region and to its political environment. At present, there is a great consensus at a global level that the bioeconomy must be circular, sustainable, use renewable raw materials and accept the ecological limits of the planet. The experience of these years allows us to reflect on how to increase the impact of the bioeconomy by learning from those successful experiences. In this article the following themes are proposed: need for coherence between the bioeconomy and other policies; generate a broad social and political consensus; strategies and action plans must be inclusive and combine strategies with concrete actions. It also advances some considerations between the concepts of bioeconomy, sustainability and biodiplomacy.


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Aguilar, A. (2021). Bioeconomy, strategies and impact. C3-BIOECONOMY: Circular and Sustainable Bioeconomy, (1), 11–29 / 11.


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