Transforming Sewage Residues in Fertilizers: the Agropolo Campinas-Brasil compost plant

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Sérgio Augusto Morais Carbonell
Ernesto Dimas Paulella
Marco Antonio dos Santos
Heitor Cantarella
A Gonçalves
M.O. Santos
D. Dias
Luís Augusto Barbosa Cortez


Agropolo Campinas Brasil was created in the City of Campinas, Brazil as a cooperative platform between public institutions (Agronomic Institute of Campinas-IAC, State University of Campinas-UNICAMP, Institute of Food Technology-ITAL, City of Campinas, and TECHNOPARK) with the objective to promote technology innovation in tropical bioeconomy. The present article aims to present the Compost Project (Usina Verde) developed between the IAC, City of Campinas, SANASA Water and Sewage Treatment company of Campinas, and CEASA wholesale market. The objective of this project is to recycle mainly green urban residues with sewage mud to produce organic fertilizer.


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