From Georgescu-Roegen's Bioeconomy to the Andean-Amazonian Bioeconomy

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Jorge Quiroga Canaviri
Carlos Ricardo Menéndez Gámiz


Having reviewed the scientific contributions to the Bioeconomy of Nicholas Georgescu-Roegen, renowned Ecological Economist and precursor of the European Bioeconomy, the general objective of this research is to analyze these contributions linked to epistemological currents in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), which gave way to the “Andean and Amazon Bioeconomy” (AAB). The specific objectives are i) examine the state of the art of bioeconomics, exploring the limitations that motivated the conceptual expansion of bioeconomics applicable to the Andean-Amazonian context and ii) analyze how bioeconomic theories were effectively integrated with bioeconomic principles, supported by three new variables. : bioculture, bioterritoriality and bioinformation. The material used are books and articles by key authors such as Georgescu-Roegen, Dennis and Donella Meadows, Boaventura de Sousa Santos and Alberto Acosta among others, complemented by contemporary researchers similar to and opposed to Georgescu-Roegen, including one of the authors of this article. that promoted the AAB. The bibliometric method will be used for literary research that allows the specific objectives to be met and the deductive method that, by going from the general to the particular, will allow conclusions to be inferred from the premises studied in the bioeconomic transition from Georgescu-Roegen to the AAB. The final result and conclusion of the approach will validate that the Bioeconomy proposed by Georgescu-Roegen in the 70s, today reappears as a viable and expanded alternative, both theoretically, conceptually and methodologically, to solve complex problems such as climate change, food insecurity and diseases. pandemics in latitudes such as Bolivia, where it was pertinent to include cultural, territorial and information categories.


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Author Biography

Carlos Ricardo Menéndez Gámiz, Mexican Network of Circular Bioeconomy

Dr. CARLOS RICARDO MENÉNDEZ GÁMIZ. He holds a PhD in Economic-Agro-industrial Problems. Universidad Autónoma Chapingo; Master in Agribusiness Technology (COLPOS);
Planner for Agricultural and Livestock Development (UNAM) and Member promoter of the Mexican Network of Circular Bioeconomy. Until recently, he was the Bioeconomy specialist at IICA Mexico.