Developing of New Technologies Driving Advances in Precision Agriculture to optimise inputs and reduce environmental footprint

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Charles Richard Glass
Francisco J Egea Gonzalez


Technological advances in the agri-tech sector offer the opportunity for food production systems to contribute to achieving global policy aims such as achieving net zero carbon systems and reducing environmental footprint through eliminating harmful emissions and increasing biodiversity. A range of sensors can detect crop health and stress due to biotic and abiotic threats, often with an early detection which permits appropriate action to be taken before crop yield is affected or pest and disease pressure cannot be controlled without the use of synthetic pesticides. Detection technology uses imaging techniques, often beyond the visible spectrum, detection of volatile compounds using e-nose techniques and real time molecular diagnostic techniques to identify plant pathogens collected in air samples.  The data generated by such technologies relies on connectivity of the hardware and subsequent analytical processes to provide growers with temporal and spatial information. It is possible to identify plant locations with great accuracy, even with satellite systems, which permits precision application of crop inputs, such as fertilisers and pesticides, directly to the plant or crop area as required. Spray application techniques can now treat individual plants, both crop and weeds, using data acquired to control the flow to individual nozzles


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How to Cite
Glass, C. R., & Egea Gonzalez, F. J. (2022). Developing of New Technologies Driving Advances in Precision Agriculture to optimise inputs and reduce environmental footprint. C3-BIOECONOMY: Circular and Sustainable Bioeconomy, (3), 69–75.


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