Education with no surname: Educational innovation and people With disabilities
Inclusive education in Spain constitutes still today a non-finished project of
educational innovation which is easily overlooked. This is true despite of the fact
that the Spanish State ratified the Convention on the Rights of People with
Disabilities from 2006, which recognises and guarantees the right to inclusive
education. Seeking to analyse the lights and shadows of the inclusive education in
Spain, this article studies its national implementation as it is considered by the
Committee on the Rights of People with Disabilities of the United Nations. Besides,
a piece of case-law which was brought before this treaty body where Spain was one
more time found guilty of having violated the rights of a person with disabilities
related to his right to education will be considered. All in all, to conclude making
clear the still considerable way to go in this topic and at the same time to render
visible that in the year 2021 in Spain, the inclusive education is still educational
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