Music as a teaching tool. Human Rights song project
The paper presents an educational innovational experience based on the use
of sensorial learning, through music, developed, in the second semester of 2020-21
academic year, in the Human Rights course. This course is a optional course in the
fourth year of the Law Degree at the University of Valencia teach in english. The
aim of the project “Human Rights Song” is to awaken in the students a series of
stimuli and feelings, through a selection of songs, classical and contemporary, that
allowed them to achieve a more sensorial and experiential form to the theoretical
concepts learnt during the classes. Having taken into account also the special
circumstances of the pandemic that had forced presential classes to be substituted
by virtual remote classes at the beginning of this semester and at least during the
month of February. The design of the project allowed us to work the content of the
subject in a holistic and practical form and allows the students apply and improved
ther knowledge and skill using the methodology base on the Project based Learning
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