The Organic Law of the University System and teaching innovation: special reference to the social economy
university system, corporate law, social economy, teaching innovationAbstract
This work aims to expose a legal circumstance to which university education is faced, which is innovation and the possibility that said teaching innovation can be seen specifically in the corporate type that makes up the framework of the social economy. Within the scope of commercial law, the social economy is viewed as a collective formula for social organization to achieve, through common effort and resources, solutions that cannot be achieved individually and it is the resulting organization that must assume the positive consequences. and negative aspects of the risks that their actions in the economic sphere generate. With this, and the university legislation of pertinent application, it is confirmed that teaching innovation becomes an essential content in the work of universities and therefore in the work of teachers, so that it is configured in a fundamental strategy of the universities, the centers and the coordination of the degrees, and this keeping in mind that the essential objective of the educational process is to teach and learn without losing sight of the fact that this work must adapt to the social, economic, technological and cultural changes that are taking place. develop in each historical moment. With the proposal that we make in this work, teaching innovation and the values of the social economy, through the proposal of a teaching project that incorporates them, it is becoming evident that universities, by transforming their ways of learning and teaching, adapt to the demands of societies in constant change. Thus, i.- the legal framework of the social economy is exposed without losing sight of the regulations of the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands in this area; ii.- the direct relationship between the regulation of the Spanish university system and the social economy with iii.- an innovative proposal reflected in the teaching project of the subject Company Law corresponding to the field of commercial law
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