ICT and Language Learning for Adolescents with ASD

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Despina Kotsi
Bárbara Fernández Robles


In recent years, many interventions have been planned related to language teaching and to the development of linguistic, social and communication skills in adolescents with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD). A common feature of most intervention programs is the utilization of the potential of Information Communication Technologies (ICT), as, based on the international literature, the effectiveness of their use in the field of education and especially in the field of Special Education is presumed, through the activation of various teaching practices. In the specific bibliographic review the use of ICT in the language teaching of adolescents with ASD is studied, a neurodevelopmental disorder with its’ most important characteristics to be the repetitive and limited behaviors, but also significant deficits in the field of language and social communication and interaction. Based on the conclusions of this study, the contribution of ICT to the language teaching of adolescents with ASD is confirmed, as it leads to the expansion of their linguistic and communication skills.


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How to Cite
Kotsi, D., & Fernández Robles, B. (2023). ICT and Language Learning for Adolescents with ASD. EDMETIC, 12(1), art.2. https://doi.org/10.21071/edmetic.v12i1.14568
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