Las TIC y la competencia sociocomunicativa del alumnado con TEA: una revisión sistemática
Main Article Content
Information and communication technologies have a large number of benefits to develop the socio-communicative competence of pupils with ASD. If these resources are used rightly, they allow them to improve their communicative skills, to establish social relationships, as well as to understand and express emotions, which will provide them an optimal social inclusion. Therefore, the purpose of this publication is to carry out a systematic review that analyzes the studies that have researched the use that these students give to these tools to reinforce these skills in educative and/or family environments and the accessibility that they have to them. Here, 11 papers have been selected that meet the selection criteria provided for this work. After analyzing them, it has been demonstrated that there are divergences in the accessibility that they have to these tools between different contexts, as well as the way that those are used to reinforce these skills.
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E-ISSN: 2254-0059
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