Board Games for the Didactics of Language and Literature: A Taxonomic Proposal

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María Samper Cerdán
Carla Acosta
Joaquín Juan Penalva
José Rovira Collado


The possibilities of games have been studied from various disciplines, including Anthropology, Psychology, and the one that concerns us: Didactics. Game-Based Learning (GBL) consists of an active methodology where games are used in an educational context with specific learning objectives. Within GBL, numerous studies focus on the contributions of video games; however, the peculiarities of board games seem to be a territory yet to be explored. This study aims to identify the literary and narrative components present in board games by analyzing various titles and their specific possibilities within the Didactics of Literature. Thus, it seeks to draw a series of conclusions to help create an initial classification of board games based on their narrative and literary characteristics, forming a proposal that serves as a guide and recommendation for teachers who decide to bring board games into their classrooms.


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How to Cite
Samper Cerdán, M., Acosta, C., Juan Penalva, J., & Rovira Collado, J. (2024). Board Games for the Didactics of Language and Literature: A Taxonomic Proposal. EDMETIC, 14(1), art.1.
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