La aplicación LetMeTalk como Herramienta de Apoyo en las Dificultades Sociocomunicativas del Alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista de 4º de Primaria

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Alexandre Marzal Carbonell
Isabel Fuster Palacios


Sociocommunicative skills are one of the areas where Primary Education students with autism spectrum disorders have more difficulties. Technological resources, and applications that use pictograms as Augmentative and Alternative Communication System, are a powerful educative tool that allows to reinforce these difficulties to these students. Among them, some scientific researches have demonstrated that the LetMeTalk application can be very useful of them because it stores lots of pictograms organized in thematic folders that can be easy retrieved and combined to form sentences with communicative meaning. For that reason, in this document, a teaching unit has been developed whose main purpose is to improve the communicative competence of T., a 4th grade child with a diagnosis of autism, with the help of this application as a support technology during his social interactions. This intervention proposal has been developed following the educational inclusion regulations in force in the Valencian Community and has consisted of 8 sessions in which the student’s learning has been staggered in order that he can improve this competence with the increasingly autonomous use of the mentioned digital application. After designing the proposal, it has been put into practice with this student and, thanks to this, it has been proven that his sociocommunicative difficulties have improved enormously thanks to the usage of the LetMeTalk application.
Key Words: Autism spectrum disorders, Sociocommunicative skills, Assistive techologies, LetMeTalk.




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How to Cite
Marzal Carbonell, A., & Fuster Palacios, I. (2024). La aplicación LetMeTalk como Herramienta de Apoyo en las Dificultades Sociocomunicativas del Alumnado con Trastorno del Espectro Autista de 4º de Primaria. EDMETIC, 14(1), art.5.
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