1. Submission of papers and book reviews

1.1. Submission of papers:

Papers should be sent through OJS system. Follow the next link for registration:

The Journal Style Template for papers is available at the following link:

- Style guide and template for papers

1.2. Submission of book reviews:

If you wish to submit a book review, please contact our book review coordinator Dr Alejandro Bolaños García-Escribano (

The Journal Style Template for book reviews is available at the following link:

- Style guide and template for book reviews

Books for review must be sent to the following address: Profª. Mª Azahara Veroz González. Facultad de Filosofía y Letras. Universidad de Córdoba. Plaza Cardenal Salazar, 3 ― 14071 Córdoba

2. Proofreading

In due time the authors will be sent only one set of proofs; these should be corrected and returned within 60 days from the end of the Call for Papers.


1. Articles reception

Reception of the articles will be acknowledged by e-mail in the briefest period possible. In this phase, a first editorial assessment will take place in which we shall evaluate: a) adequacy of the thematic content and interest of the paper in relation to the editorial criteria of the Journal, and b) fulfilment of the formal format requisites demanded by the publishing ruling. Reception of the paper does not guarantee its acceptance. In this first stage and before entering the second phase (peer reviewing), we will communicate to the author if the article has been accepted, rejected or need some corrections.

2. Peer review

Papers will be sent confidentially and anonymously to be analysed by two experts who are neither members of the journal editing body nor part of the editorial council. They may belong to the Assessing Committee, as long as they do not belong to the journal Editorial Board. They will deliver a report concerning the convenience of the article’s publication, which will be taken into consideration by the Editorial Board secretariat. Announcement of the publication of the paper, or if not, revision recommendations will be communicated to the author. If the evaluating experts disagree, the paper shall be sent to a third evaluator. A revised paper may be considered for publication conditionally to the inclusion of changes. It must be corrected and returned to the authors of the Journal at the most within a month, whether the changes demanded be mayor or minor.  If it were necessary, the updated version will again be sent to the external evaluators; this process will continue until the paper merits a definitive acceptance from the Journal. The authors will receive a notification concerning the evaluation reports from the evaluators so that they may (if necessary) perform some corrections. If the paper were printable but demanded minor changes, these will be performed by a drafting committee in contact with the author; but may also be returned to the author for him to change those details that the drafting committee might consider necessary.

3. Reviewers

The Journal uses specialised reviewers to contrast methodological procedures used in papers. The choice of reviewers depends on the journal editors, who consider their academic and scientific merits, and their professional experience, including both national and international specialists. As we have mentioned previously, members of the Assessing Committee may figure amongst the reviewers if they are neither part of the of the editing entity nor of the Editorial Board.

4. Acceptations and refusals

The decision of acceptance or refusal of the papers on part of the editors of the Journal will consider at least two circumstances. Excluding criteria and favouring criteria.

Criteria excluding admission of papers include:

a. Not being included under the scientific topics cultivated by the Journal.

b. Not using the proposed citation system in the way indicated.

c. Not sending the paper in the required format.

Criteria favouring admission and evaluated by reviewing experts include:

a. Papers must conform to the objectives of the section in which they are offered.

b. Papers must be original, or at least offer a qualitative analysis proffering valuable information.

c. Novelty, freshness and advances in the themes due in this publication.

d. In all cases coherence in the methodology and logic in the work submitted will be demanded.

e. A good formal presentation will be required, that is, proficient writing and text organisation: logical coherence and presentation.


The papers should be between 6000 – 10000 words.

All papers must follow the Style Sheet available for Hikma: Translation Studies Journal.

The Journal Style Template is available at the following link:

- Style guide and template

Accepted languages: English, Spanish, French and Italian.


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