
Hikma: Translation Journal has renewed its Q1 status in the SJR for 2023


Hikma: Translation Journal has renewed its Q1 status in the SJR for 2023. The editorial team would like to express gratitude to all those who have contributed with their manuscripts, those who review them, and those who are part of the editorial boards and teams for their ongoing collaboration with the journal.

Hikma in Q1


Hikma: Translation Studies is proud to announce that it has just been upgraded to Q1 in SJR. The editorial team would like to thank all authors, reviewers and committees for their collaboration in Hikma.

Important information about Hikma: Studies Translation Journal


The Editorial Team of Hikma: Translation Studies Journal is grateful for the magnificent response it is receiving from the scientific community, which has resulted in  a significant number of contributions for publication.

For this reason, we inform you that the reviews of the currently submitted articles may be delayed and that the accepted proposals will be published in order of acceptance in the December 2021 and May 2022 issues, which is why the Call for Papers for the next issue 21 (1) May 2022 has been cancelled.

However, the journal will be pleased to receive submissions on translation and interpreting for publication in future issues of the journal following review.

Thank you for your interest in our journal and the trust you have placed in us.

The Editorial Team of Hikma: Translation Studies Journal

Call for papers (Issue 21 (1), May 2022)


We are pleased to announce a new Call for papers for “Hikma: Translation Studies Journal” for the issue 21 (1) to be published in May 2022. Due to the international character of Hikma, all contributions (articles, notes, reviews, reports, interviews) must be written in English, Spanish, Italian or French. The deadline for submitting papers for the issue 21 (1) ends on 30th October 2022. Authors will be sent notification of acceptance or rejection by the end of March 2022.

To ensure the quality of the contributions, all papers will be submitted to a blind peer review process. All contributions must be adapted to the journal style guide, available at the following link: /public/docs/hikma/plantilla/Plantilla_HIKMA.dotx

Call for papers (Issue 20 (2), December 2021)


We are pleased to announce a new Call for papers for “Hikma: Translation Studies Journal” for the issue 20 (2) to be published in December 2021. Due to the international character of Hikma, all contributions (articles, notes, reviews, reports, interviews) must be written in English, Spanish, Italian or French. The deadline for submitting papers for the issue 20 (2) ends on 30th April 2021. Authors will be sent notification of acceptance or rejection by the end of September 2021.


To ensure the quality of the contributions, all papers will be submitted to a blind peer review process. All contributions must be adapted to the journal style guide, available at the following link: /public/docs/hikma/plantilla/Plantilla_HIKMA.dotx


Hikma: Translation Studies in ERIH PLUS


Hikma: Translation Journal is proud to announce that it has been included in ERIH PLUS. You can check it out at:

We are grateful for the collaboration of our authors, without them it would not have been possible.



Dear readers, authors and reviewers:

Due to the fact that the new OJS system in which our journal is published has recently been updated and that the training course we were going to attend for the edition of the next issue has been cancelled, we inform you that the next issue will be delayed.

The editors of this journal are working to publish the issue 19 (1) as soon as possible.

Thank you very much for your understanding.

Best regards.

The Editorial Team

HIKMA. Revista de Traducción acaba de publicar el número 18 (2), correspondiente al año 2019


El interés de muchos investigadores en presentar sus trabajos en esta publicación motivó la decisión, por parte de la revista Hikma, de publicar en el año 2019 dos números, uno en marzo y otro en noviembre, de modo que pudieran ver la luz las investigaciones aceptadas tras la consiguiente revisión por pares ciegos.

Una vez que hemos cumplido nuestro objetivo, nos complace informar de que, durante el año 2020, nuestra intención es repetir esta experiencia y publicar un número en marzo (19 (1), 2020) y otro en noviembre (19 (2) 2020).

El comité editorial agradece a todos los autores su confianza.

Call for Papers (EN)


HIKMA: TRANSLATION STUDIES JOURNAL invites submissions for issue 18 (2019) on all areas of research within the domain of Translation and Interpreting including translation and interpreting studies, literary translation, specialised translation, specialised languages, research methods for translation and interpreting, corpus linguistics, localisation, translation and interpreting teaching methods, applied linguistics, terminology, etc. 

Papers should be between 7000 – 10000 words.

Accepted languages: English, Spanish and French

HIKMA admits manuscripts written in Spanish, English and French. Prior volumes can be accessed freely a

Paper submissions should be made through the journal’s electronic submissions system:

All submissions must comply with the guidelines of HIKMA:

For further information, please, go to: