Panoramic study on accessible translation in Spain Evolution, dimension and new challenges

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Patricia Álvarez Sánchez


Accessible AVT is aimed at those who have sensory impairments. Its modalities include sign language interpreting, subtitling through speech recognition, audio description for theatre, opera and dance, etc. This paper examines AD and SDH, as they are particularly interesting to analyse and can make audiovisual products accessible to millions of people with hearing and/or visual disabilities. It is worth mentioning that Spain is one of the leading countries in research on accessible AVT; it also shows a remarkable number of laws that promote media accessibility. As regards AD and SDH, they are both examples of multimodal and intersemiotic translation and have consolidated their position as a translational activity over the last two decades, but they have a different evolution. While AD – the verbal description that provides visual information for those unable to perceive it themselves – is not yet very present on Spanish television, in the case of SDH – the subtitles of oral discourses and sounds that a person with a hearing disability cannot listen to – very high percentages of accessibility have been achieved. This paper examines the remarkable progress made in Spain, both in qualitative and quantitative research and its results, and the country's advanced legislation. Its main aim is to explore the evolution of these two accessible AVT and the challenges that we still need to continue working on (for instance, the use of eye tracking technology to research how subtitles for the deaf and hard of hearing are read or the importance of the validation of these translations by their real recipients).


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Álvarez Sánchez, P. (2023). Panoramic study on accessible translation in Spain: Evolution, dimension and new challenges. Hikma, 22(2), 35–60.


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