Subtitling of non-verbal communication A didactic experience in the classroom of Italian as a foreign language

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Carmen González Royo


Translating the cultural references of the source language into the target language inevitably poses difficulties for the translator and requires major decisions to be made. Undoubtedly, these issues have been the subject of reflection by numerous researchers in the field of translation. Therefore, Nida (1945) and, subsequently, other authors have drawn up lists with typologies of culturally marked elements. Gesturality is explicitly listed among the concepts proposed by Newmark (1988) or the definition of cultureme by Nord (1997) or Molina (2006), which encompasses both verbal and non-verbal phenomena. In this contribution we address the level of comprehension/interpretation of symbolic gestures (or emblems) in Italian by non-native vs. native individuals. We interpret gestures and then verbally subtitling the one-minute-long interaction that two characters construct gesturally in a feature film, without the viewer (not even the protagonists themselves) perceiving the audio of the verbal utterance. This study stems from an action-research experience carried out in an academic environment with two groups of learners of Italian as a foreign language, absolute beginners and intermediate level users with some competence in non-verbal communication, with the addition of a third group of native speakers. Thanks to a methodology typical of an empirical research work, the degree of comprehension in each of the groups is analysed. The table of results helped us to draw conclusions and proposals aimed at the transmission of these specific features of Italian culture to the target language, with the objective of recovering for the target receiver the information transmitted and not diluted by the (presumed) systematic omission in the subtitled support.


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González Royo, C. (2024). Subtitling of non-verbal communication: A didactic experience in the classroom of Italian as a foreign language. Hikma, 23(1), 33–58.


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