An approach to machine translation of gastronomic culturemes in the field of tourism Case study (Spanish, German, French)

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Analía Cuadrado Rey
Lucía Navarro Brotons


Neural machine translation (NMT) has significantly improved the quality of translated texts and it is now a tool at the translator's disposal. However, natural language has some particularities that pose a challenge for this type of tools. Such is the case of culturemes (Nord, 1997, p. 34) which are closely tied to the culture and idiosyncrasy of each language. An excellent example of the use of culturemes is gastronomic texts. In this context, this case study aims to assess how the use of MT tools (DeepL and Google Translate) can help to translate the culturemes of this text typology. It is also intended to determine whether there is a more problematic type of cultureme for NMT and to establish possible patterns regarding the translation proposals provided. To this purpose, we work with a corpus of Spanish gastronomic culturemes retrieved from the official Spanish tourism website and we analyse the German and French translations provided by the mentioned NMT tools. The study detects that certain current NMT quality parameters which are considered errors are not when translating culturemes. The most difficult ones for NMT are those containing diatopic words or idiomatic constructions. Finally, the analysis of French and German translations has revealed similarities of the NMT in both languages. The results suggest, therefore, that human intervention is still essential to translate and evaluate most gastronomic culturemes adequately. Consequently, there is a need to work on new metrics that can be adapted to each translation assignment.


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Cuadrado Rey, A., & Navarro Brotons, L. (2024). An approach to machine translation of gastronomic culturemes in the field of tourism: Case study (Spanish, German, French). Hikma, 23(1), 111–139.


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