Creativity and critical thinking as an antidote against genre blindness in the translation classroom Un antídoto contra la ceguera de género en el aula de traducción

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Raquel Martinez Motos
Adelina Gómez González-Jover


This article arises from a research scenario in which two complementary aims converge: the analysis of the scope of gender blindness in legal translation, and the promotion of creativity and critical thinking as didactic tools that can contribute to mitigating said blindness. Based on the results of a previous study aimed at assessing the students' awareness of gender-neutral legal translation, data showed a considerable degree of unawareness and lack of systematic use of non-sexist language. Evidence of prospective improvement regarding the implementation of pedagogical tools designed for raising awareness and teaching gender-sensitive translation also emerged. This paper aims to present a pedagogical and research proposal that integrates the use of a rubric designed for that goal. It includes actions and tools that could be developed to analyse the potential effect of explicitly fostering creativity and critical thinking towards gender blindness in the legal translation classroom.


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Martinez Motos, R., & Gómez González-Jover, A. (2024). Creativity and critical thinking as an antidote against genre blindness in the translation classroom: Un antídoto contra la ceguera de género en el aula de traducción. Hikma, 23(2), 1–34.


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