The Language of Adventure tourism and its Key Terms in English and Spanish

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Isabel Durán-Muñoz
Eva Lucía Jiménez-Navarro


Adventure tourism is conceived as a type of alternative tourism that moves away from typical practices, such as sun and beach or cultural tourism. In particular, this segment implies a tourist who assumes an active role in an adventure activity that is practised in contact with nature and where a feeling of excitement prevails, depending on the level of risk that is experienced. For this reason, the keywords defining this specialised discourse are adventure, nature, and risk. Taking this into consideration, the current paper hypothesises that these key terms are used in a similar way in different languages. Therefore, it aims to analyse these terms and their phraseology in English along with their Spanish counterparts (i.e., “aventura”, “naturaleza”, and “riesgo”) in a specialised corpus that covers the domain under study. To do so, the corpus-based methodology applied will be divided into four steps: (1) the compilation of the comparable (English-Spanish) corpus, (2) the search for the keywords, (3) a quantitative analysis based on the frequency of use of these keywords in every language, and (4) a qualitative analysis in terms of the phraseological combinations of the keywords in English and Spanish. Additionally, their adjectival derivatives in the two working languages will be examined. The findings show that the terms selected are more frequent in Spanish than in English, although they behave quite similarly when it comes to their phraseological study and use in context.


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Durán-Muñoz, I., & Jiménez-Navarro, E. L. (2024). The Language of Adventure tourism and its Key Terms in English and Spanish. Hikma, 23(3), 1–22.


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