Machine Translation Quality Assessment of Tourism Texts in Translation Training A Qualitative Study

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Diana González Pastor


Tourism is a sector that generates large volumes of multilingual texts that need to be translated with great immediacy and cannot be covered by human translation. Machine translation has become a viable option for companies in the tourism sector, as they can have multilingual content that may require different levels of quality depending on the needs of the client, the aim of the translation and the perishability of the text. Thus, quality can be adjusted to the required level after the post-editing process and human revision. It is then necessary to consider introducing the teaching of machine translation in the translation classroom, including the translation quality assessment in specialised contexts such as tourism, in order to provide students with the technological competence and the capacity for critical vision that will enable them to identify errors, reasoned analysis of the risks of using machine translation and correct decision-making. This can contribute to placing them in the new working environment marked by the use of automation and artificial intelligence. Using a qualitative analysis methodology, this contribution presents the results of an exploratory study of the students’ opinions of the Degree in XXXX of the University of XXX in Spain regarding a teaching experience that integrates the teaching of machine translation of texts in the field of tourism in order to find out the usefulness of machine translation for this type of specialised texts.


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González Pastor, D. (2024). Machine Translation Quality Assessment of Tourism Texts in Translation Training: A Qualitative Study. Hikma, 23(3), 1–21.


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