Analysis and characteristics of recreational diving tourist guides Study of Le guide de la plongée sous-marine à Tahiti et ses îles and its translation into Spanish

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María Pascual Peña


The aim of this work is to translate tourist texts, especially those describing activities that can be practised under the sea, such as scuba diving. The practice of this activity is part of adventure tourism, which in recent years has experienced an undeniable growth, as tourists can enjoy unforgettable and thrilling experiences, thanks to their active participation. In this paper, we present an overview of the modalities offered by this type of tourism, and we study, in greater depth, scuba diving, as well as the different textual genres and their particularities. The focus is on the characteristics of tourist guides and the features of the selected material. The textual and linguistic hybridity of this type of text is highlighted, as well as the combination of elements from advertising, scientific-technical and legal texts. Finally, a translation of the selected tourist guide is proposed, and the translation strategies implemented are analysed, to maintain the representative characteristics of this type of texts and its linguistic hybridity.


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How to Cite
Pascual Peña, M. (2024). Analysis and characteristics of recreational diving tourist guides: Study of Le guide de la plongée sous-marine à Tahiti et ses îles and its translation into Spanish. Hikma, 23(3), 1–21.


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